Pamela has been our house mother in our orphanage for the last 9 years … she is now leaving to get married… we are very happy for her …Charo and Maxwell are honoured to be the best men at the wedding ! She has helped many little ones over the years, and it is now time for her to start a new chapter in her life.
We are very excited to announce that Madam Grace will be taking up a new position … not only will she be taking over Pamela’s role in the orphanage but she will be working as a deputy chairperson, who will oversee administrative duties in the school and charity. We know that she will do a fantastic job .
Nelly Gambo will be assisting Grace in the orphanage … so a great new team.
The timing is good as the orphanage has been having a refit … new roof and guttering … painted with some lovely new wall murials (thank you Enalise Pyle) ..
new storage (thank you Mandy Watson for the design and all who helped with the build….hot work) .
Furnishings, curtains, linen and towels replaced …. thank you to the person who financed this and for all who helped with their time and sweat ……a special thank you must go to Sean Thompson for all his hard work in logistics and making things happen (which isn’t always that easy in Kenya) the orphanage felt like a really happy place.