Barbara Bryceland lives in Falkirk and is a professional singer who has appeared on X-Factor, the Voice and in the pages of many newspapers throughout Scotland. She has been involved with Educate the Kids for many years and has assisted massively in the Singing Kids tours, both with fundraising and helping organise those who provide accommodation and assistance to the children when they come to central Scotland. She kindly gave up a little of her time recently to explain how she got involved.
Barbara Bryceland lives in Falkirk and is a professional singer who has appeared on X-Factor, the Voice and in the pages of many newspapers throughout Scotland. She has been involved with Educate the Kids for many years and has assisted massively in the Singing Kids tours, both with fundraising and helping organise those who provide accommodation and assistance to the children when they come to central Scotland. She kindly gave up a little of her time recently to explain how she got involved.
“I’ve been working with Educate the Kids for a long time now. I was introduced to the charity by Maureen McIntyre (the founder) and I was soon sponsoring a child in Kenya. Maureen is a real Saint, a real hero – she’s my inspiration. People who support Educate the Kids do it for only a few months of the year, but she does it full time, all year round – it’s a service of pure love.
“I try and help with fundraising. I’m a professional singer and have lots of contacts in showbusiness, some of whom are more than happy to lend a hand. Every year we set a target of £4,000 and usually exceed it by c. £500-£1,000.
Because of my professional career, I have 8,000 followers on social media, and I unashamedly write about Educate the Kids to promote the charity. I am more than happy to use my contacts to get more publicity. The local press help, as does the local Council. Local hoteliers, some of the fast food places and the Mariner (Leisure) Centre are also happy to give them free food, free swimming, etc. when they are visiting our area.
“We also have a great team of ladies and gents who take the children into their homes when they come here. They cook, clean, provide; not one ever complains and I can call them up in the morning to ask for help and whatever they are asked they do it straight away.
“As a professional singer, I can really appreciate just how good the kids are when they come to the UK on their singing tour. You have to remember they are not singing in their first language, which makes things more difficult for them, but they are natural entertainers. Not only is their singing great, their timing and dancing are excellent. They each sing with so much soul, as if their life depends on it – and in many ways their lives do depend on it so they take the responsibility very seriously. They are very different for our own children in many ways, principally because back in Kenya they live in poverty we can’t begin to imagine. For every child being educated by the charity there are thousands in Kenya who are waiting and hoping to get into a school. Education is their route out of poverty and that’s why they value it so highly.”
If you live in central Scotland and would like to offer anything to help next year’s Singing Kids tour or contribute to fundraising, you can contact Barbara via her Facebook pageor by email at:
Interview, Alastair Blair