In my last blog, I described how I was lucky enough to get a place at Jolaurabi school and then was able to travel to the UK where my education continued. Since then, I have been fortunate enough to attend Nairobi University.
In my last blog, I described how I was lucky enough to get a place at Jolaurabi school and then was able to travel to the UK where my education continued. Since then, I have been fortunate enough to attend Nairobi University.

I am truly privileged to have been able to attend Jolaurabi school. I now feel confident about the future, not only for me but also for my community in Utange. I usually join my family and the community during holidays from university and help at the school. It’s one of the greatest feelings I have ever had, being able to give something back to help others who have come from similar backgrounds to myself. When I help with teaching, I try to instill hope to the other children, telling them that they can also succeed thanks to the opportunity which Educates the Kids gives them.
Educate the Kids is very dear to me. It has transformed my life from my humble beginnings to where I am today. I really don’t know where I would be if it wasn’t for this wonderful charity. I’m think it’s likely I’d be struggling with life or begging in the streets.
I’m currently doing so well at the university and everything is fully funded by the charity. I hope to graduate soon and go on to get a job. I’d like to work in supply chain and procurement management. Having a degree will obviously help and I know that without Educate the Kids I’d never have been in a position to go to university and improve my life chances.
There are a lot of people at university in Kenya now. Most students are from a well-off background but there are only a small number who, like me, come from a poor background (because they can’t afford the fees). However, we all get on together and appreciate what we have. The future for Kenya is going to be better because we have more people getting an education. Education means more opportunities, better employment prospects, more stability in life and, of course, the ability to provide for your family’s basic needs and help other people who are, as I was, not so fortunate.
If you happen to meet me, I want you to know that I’m a product of what the Educate the Kids charity does in Utange, Mombasa Kenya. The charity has given me hope in my life by giving me an education. It has made a huge difference not only to me but to many children in the village. I give my sincere thanks from the bottom of my heart to Granny Maureen, Mama Yvonne and everyone who contributes towards the charity. Dear sponsors, may you know your money changes lives and thank you once again for all that you do. YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE. I LOVE YOU.
Totally Mashombo