We are often asked about life in Kenya. The photograph shows a typical village site with stone buildings running alongside adobe houses. The stone buildings were built by foreign visitors who at one point decided to stay in Kenya. When they left the building the owner of the land (debatable who) would step in and rent this property out room by room. We often come across parents with up to seven children living in one such room. How do they cook and what do they eat? They cook on little fires they build and their diet is usually rice, rice and then rice. The do have ugale a substance made with flour and they sometimes have beans. On special holidays if the father can get some money they may have a little chicken. When you walk around the villages the chickens run freely yet each family who owns them knows their own, remarkable!
It is difficult to understand the poverty they can face. I remember on one occasion a little boy who came to school with a new shirt given him a few days earlier, filthy. He was sent home to have it washed but did not return for several days. We went to his home to discover he had no parents and an older brother was looking after him. When we asked why the boy had not returned to school the brother explained they had no money for soap to wash his shirt. Every shilling they could get their hands on went to buy rice or water. Life is on a day to day basis with so many who cannot find work. They do a little here and a little there hoping to earn enough for that day. So this will describe the life we meet in Africa when we visit. HOWEVER you would not meet a happier race of people with a great zest for life. Perhaps we can learn from them as we have a great desire to better their lives.