The economic climate in Kenya over the last couple of years has brought about some real hardship for many of the families, as there is simply fewer employment opportunities.

Earlier this year we made the decision to increase the sponsorship from £6 to £11 per month, to provide school lunches and ensure that children would at least have one meal a day.


In the school holidays this is a problem, and many families struggle to feed their children. Last year Heather Munro was determined that each child should have food over the Christmas holidays and started an an appeal to raise the money to buy a food parcel for each family……………………………It worked and food parcels were given out to help assist families over the Christmas period.


We are absolutely delighted that this year the same appeal has been just as successful, and the money has been raised to provide food for all the children from Joluarabi school !

The parcels will be distributed on the last day of term which is Friday the 25th November. Heather has decided to go the extra mile this year and has booked at her own expense to fly to Kenya and help in the distribution process.

We are thrilled to have such marvellous sponsors, who truly care.

Its not too late to contribute, we will make sure that the money is well spent to help those in need in the village and surrounding area.