It’s hard to know how much is spent on average per child in the UK at Christmas. Figures quoted on Mumsnet from 2018 suggested it is a little over £300.
It’s hard to know how much is spent on average per child in the UK at Christmas. Figures quoted on Mumsnet from 2018 suggested it is a little over £300. According to the Daily Mirror, “nearly a quarter of parents are planning to splash out between £250 and £500 per child on presents this (2017) Christmas.” Some other sources show that those who are most well-off spent over £1,000 per child.
Can I humbly suggest that, if you can afford it, the relatively small amount of £132 a year will give one of the poorest children in Kenya a Christmas gift that will change their lives more than we can possibly imagine. That gift is the gift of education and enough food to sustain them each day during the school year (many of their families, if they have them, simply do not have the money to pay for food, never mind Christmas presents).
These are kids who sleep on bare earth, who don’t have enough food to eat, yet who know that education gives them a chance – not just for themselves but for their families. Read the stories and blogs on our website, and then if you can spare just a little why not make a child who has nothing the happiest little one in the world this Christmas?
For over a year and a half now I’ve been helping this amazing charity by interviewing some of their dedicated supporters and helping with social media and marketing. In that time, I have come to believe that this is a charity in a million, where no money is taken by anyone in the UK and every penny goes to pay for the kids and their teachers. If you can find it in your heart to spend some of your money to help them, I know that, like all the people I’ve interviewed, your own life will be transformed for the better.
Alastair Blair